Statutes, edited in 2017

Statutes, edited in 2017


Article 1

The German International Club of the Principality of Monaco (Club Allemand International de la Principauté de Monaco, called “CAI” or “Club” in the following text) is a Monegasque non-profit association of unlimited term created within the framework of the law n° 1.355 from December 23, 2008 and the ministerial decree of January 22, 2009. It was founded in 1973 in accordance with the Monegasque Government as a Private Club and got its current name in 1975. It was changed into an association under Monegasque law at the end of 2017. 

The CAI’s. Headquarters are located at Hotel de Paris. They may be transferred by simple decision of the committee (definition - article 5). 


Article 2

The objective of the Club is to promote cultural activities, for charity, social or society activities, and to foster personal links between members of the Club. 

The Club profits must, in general, be donated to activities related to charity and culture, in particular to those organizations having their head office in Monaco. The promotionand encouragement of the German language and culture are a special Club purpose.


Article 3

The club is made up of ordinary and honorary members *. 

One may become an ordinary member by written application with the Club office which will then transmit it to the President **. Conditions for admission, as an ordinary member, are that of written recommendations by two Club members (“godfathers”), as well as the approval, by signature, by the committee. Should there be no comments, the Club membership becomes definitive one semester after approval.

The godfathers play an active role in order to integrate new members into the Club.

The title of honorary member is attributed through the decision of the committee. It may be granted for a limited period, based, for example, on the duration of a diplomat's mandate. 

An ordinary member pays his entry and annual fees upon approval. Only ordinary members dispose of voting rights.

In order to promote harmonious and well-functioning relations among the Club members, the committee defines a code of conduct to be observed by all members.


Article 4

The quality of CAI member ceases by: 

1. Written cancellation (by registered mail) by the member by December 31 of each year with a notification one month in advance;

2. Written cancellation (by registered mail), by the CAI, by decision of the committee. The cancellation takes place automatically in case of non-payment of the annual fee or is decided by the committee in the case of a non-observation – after an initial warning – of the code of conduct or the statutes of the Club, or for serious grounds; an appeal to the President of the Club is possible. He designates in this case two members of his committee to review the case and make a final recommendation;

3. By the end of a time limited inscription. 


Article 5

The management of the CAI belongs to the committee, which has the widest powers of management. It consists of adult members enjoying their civil rights as follows: the Club President and up to 5 Vice-Presidents. A co-Presidency is also possible.

Article 6

Within the framework of the General Meeting, the Club members entitled to vote, elect the President for a (3) three-year-term from their own ranks. The Club President should be fluent in German and, if possible, speak English and French.

The election takes place by written and confidential ballot. Voting by postal mail is allowed. The voting documents must be asked for by each member and arrive at the CAI office one week ahead of schedule. The voting procedure is determined and communicated by the committee. 

The CAI President is elected by the simple majority of all valid ballot sheets in his favor.

The President manages the Club business, carries out the decisions of the General Meeting and the committee, and represents the Club outside.

In case of death or resignation of the President, the committee will name, from among its members, a person in charge of the Presidency up to the next General Meeting. 


Article 7

The other members of the committee bear the title of Vice-President and are proposed by the CAI President. They keep their tasks as long as the President’s term. The General Meeting approves by nominal vote the proposed Vice-Presidents.

In case of death or resignation of a committee member, the President proposes a successor, who should be approved at the next General Meeting.

The committee is convened by the President of the Club. It meets 4 to 6 times a year or more if the interests of the Club require it. The main tasks of the committee are to look for and approve the admission of new members, look after them, establish and approvethe Club budget, prepare and produce yearly events and charity and care for the Club image and prestige, public relations and communication.

The Club President may assign permanent or project-related tasks to the committee members, according to the interest and competence of the concerned Vice-Presidents and in agreement with them. 

The resolutions of the committee are decided by simple majority. In the case of a tied vote, the President’s vote or that of his representative is counted double. In case of a co-Presidency, the two co-Presidents count for one vote and thus represent their joint opinion. All resolutions are written down and countersigned by the Club President. 

The representation of the CAI President in case his absence is decided, case by case, depending on the availability of the committee members. 


Article 8

Once a year, during the first semester, the President convenes a General Meeting during which all ordinary members having paid their annual fees and open bills, have the right to vote. The convocation and agenda must be sent at least 30 days ahead of the General Meeting. 

The General Meeting, regularly constituted, embodies the highest authority of the Club. It is charged with: 

•the election of the CAI President/co-Presidents and of two account auditors from the ranks of the  ordinary members and this for a three-year-term; 

•the nominal approval of Vice-Presidents proposed by the President

•tabling the report of the President; 

•approving the balance sheet of the previous financial period, tabling the report of the account auditors, and deciding, upon their request, on the discharge of the

•to decide on the provisional budget proposal by the President for the current   financial period;

•to fix the annual fee for ordinary members as well as the entrance fee; 

•to decide upon possible amendments of the statutes; 

•to decide upon a possible dissolution of the CAI. 

For all resolutions, except those relating to the dissolution of the CAI, a simple majority of votes is sufficient. At the General Meeting a quorum of 25 ordinary members is required. Should the quorum not be met, a new General Meeting can be convened a quarter of an hour later, without the need of a quorum.


Article 9

The annual Club income is obtained through: 

1. The annual and entrance fees of the ordinary members; 

2. Donations; 

3. All other legal resources, compatible with the objectives of the Club.


The annual expenditures of the Club consist of:

1. Administrative costs; 

2. Event costs; 

3. Costs for representation and Club gifts; 

4. Costs for public relations and Club media; 

5. Costs for committee meetings and General Meetings as well as further expenditures
   according to Club expense rules.


Article 10

Income, expenditures and the use of generated profits are under the responsibility of the committee. 

Committee expenditures are defined in special expense rules.

The committee as well as the two account auditors may, at any time, have a look into the CAI’s accounting books.


Article 11


The CAI statutes may be amended by decision of the committee during the General Meeting on simple majority. Any ordinary member has the right to submit a proposal for amending the statutes. 

The suggestions made by the committee must be mentioned in the convocation sent to the members. 

If the agenda schedules elections, any amendment of the statutes must be voted before the ballot takes place. Voting by postal way is permitted. In this case, the ballot paper must reach the Club’s office at least one week ahead of the General Meeting. 


Article 12


The dissolution of the CAI is decided by decision of the General Meeting and by a majority vote of three-quarters of all ordinary members. The procedure is identical to that provided for in article 11. Should the Club be dissolved, the final disposition of the CAI assets is organized by a liquidator nominated by the General Meeting. The remaining assets after liquidation shall be allocated to public or charity purposes.


Article 13


According to article 10, 11 and 12 of the law n° 1.355 from December 23, 2008, the President must transmit the following declarations not later than one month after their approval, to the Secretary General of the State Ministry of the Principality of Monaco.:

1. Amendments concerning the association’s name, aim and headquarters

2. Changes in the committee’s composition

3. The acquisition or sale of real estate, a description as well as its price must be attached to the declaration

4. Amendments concerning the statutes except those in item 1

5. Decisions intending the voluntary dissolution of the association


The following messages must also be published in the “Journal de Monaco” one month after their approval at the latest:

1. Amendments concerning the association’s name, aim and headquarters

2. The decision to dissolve the association

The President must keep a register documenting all amendments concerning the statutes and changes in the way of managing the association, including the corresponding acknowledgment of receipt. This register must, at any time, made be available on the request of the State Ministry or the Judicial Services.




Monaco, October 14, 2017




*For better reading, no gender difference will be made here. The text actually applies to man and woman.
**The term President includes also a co-Presidency according to article 5