Gala concert by the Rainier IIII Academy of Music on 12 June

Cultural activity

Gala concert by the Rainier IIII Academy of Music on 12 June

Invitation to the Gala evening
Music Academy Rainier III


With the Monte Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra

Rainier III Auditorium
Wednesday June 12th, 8:00 p.m

As every year, the Rainier III Music Academy hosts its Gala to honor its best students and ensembles, accompanied by the renowned Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra.

An exceptionally diverse program, from classical (Vivaldi, Purcel, Mozart) to modern works (Gershwin, Michael Jackson), not to be missed...

The CAI actively supports the Music Academy and organizes tickets for this concert, which the princely family often attends.

Please reserve your (free) places in our office by June 5, 2024